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Rescue The World.net provides info on a Sustainable Planet, like Bio Capacity, Climate, Water and rapid Population growth … Education & Solutions are highlighted.

This Project was a Big Eye-Opener –

Ten years ago, starting research, there was cautious optimism. Progress seemed to be taking place, for a sustainable planet:

  1. News about solar & wind power,
  2. The Paris climate accord, and
  3. Productivity in agriculture,


But more digging uncovered many ugly “Earth Worms” – Statistics that are impossible to ignore, like the ones below. As hard data sinks in, turn to some of the proposed Solutions.

  • The US eia forecasts fossil fuel growth through 2040, with only
    17% of energy from renewables like solar and wind.
  • Solar & Wind are only 3% of World Energy today
  • Hurricanes have doubled in number and intensity since y2000.
  • 4 Planet Earths are required for a western lifestyle.

World solutions need to
accelerate at a serious pace

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Business as Usual ===> + 10 deg F by 2090


Yes, that’s an average 10 deg F. temperature increase by the end of the century. Catastrophic. A Great Extinction event.

MAP SOURCE – DOWNLOAD: Global Climate Change Impacts on the US, report by 13 United States Government science bodies. Graphs are on page 29. -> Open Acrobat Reader B4 opening the file.

Business as usual is the Higher Emissions Scenario at the top. It throws the world straight into temperatures of 3 million years ago, by mid-century, never before experienced by humans. The world was hot and inhospitable then. By the end of the century, temperatures are like those of 50 million years ago, the last great extinction event, at + 10 deg F. Palm trees were growing in the arctic swamps then, and today’s coasts were 600 feet under water.

World solutions need to
accelerate at a serious pace

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Solar and Wind are only 3% of World Energy Use

Source: Enerdata.net Yearbook, with significant annotation added, from the electricity and solar and wind pages. Growth in energy consumption is 3.7% a year, or roughly 4 x the entire solar and wind contribution to world energy to date. So you see the concern.

“Other” Electricity production includes coal, gas, nuclear and hydro.

Exclusive reliance on Wind and Solar as replacements for fossil fuels is a dangerous path. Massive resources have been put into these renewables to date, but fossil fuels and biomass still remain 90% of world energy use, all of which spew CO2. Hydro is at least double the energy contribution of wind & solar, but it is costly to build new dams, financially and environmentally. Nuclear is an electricity source, but less so than coal and gas. Better practical solutions are required to defeat climate change.

World solutions need to
accelerate at a serious pace

Visit the Solutions page

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Crisis Report: IPCC 2018 Summary
(International Panel on Climate Change)

Download a short, unauthorized English translation (by RtW.net) of the “Science-Speak” in the original IPCC Summary.

The IPCC report states that there are only 12 years remaining to cut CO2 emissions in half, before existing damage from climate change really goes off the charts.

It also says that: (a) climate change is human caused, by fossil fuel emissions, and (b) as a result, extreme weather is amplified, and lives and resources are destroyed.

No need to panic: Visit the Solutions page


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Non-profit: RescueTheWorld.net has been created as an Educational website. It has no commercial objectives. The work is a volunteer project and the motivation is to share critical information.

Links to Data Sources & Organizations:

Sources and Links page: Access to Rescue The World.net site-wide data sources via original global reports. Organizations cited have ways for people to support them financially or by volunteering.

Invite Others to RescueTheWorld.net. Please ask other people to visit this website. If the Solutions don’t appeal, that’s OK. Good information can lead to new solutions.

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Loss of Permanent Arctic Sea Ice

80% loss of permanent arctic sea ice over 30 years.

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